Proven to Effectively End Your Porn Addiction Even If You've Been Struggling For 10+ Years.
Quit Porn Strategy Call (100% Confidential)
- Please fill out the application
- After submitting your application, you will get a link to book your call.
- Get on a Free Quit Porn Strategy Call with Shane or one of our coaches!!
- You will get a Free Custom Gameplan for ending your porn addiction using The QbH Method.
Please Note: This call is completely confidential.
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Shane Melaugh
My Story
I'm Shane and Here's How I Overcame my Porn Addiction
I'm Shane and I used to be addicted to porn. Like many young kids, I unfortunately discovered porn at a young age. What started out as a curiosity all too quickly became a daily habit.
I didn't just have a porn problem, I had a life problem. I struggled in school, I didn't have many friends, I could never get a girl interested in me... it seemed like I was simply destined to fail.
And porn was one of the few comforts in my life. Things only got worse once I became sexually active. To my horror, I discovered that for me, enjoying sex was practically impossible. Shame, deeply seated fears and years of porn use made it impossible for me to relax, stay in the moment and actually have a good time.
And you guessed it: in response I used even more porn!
Thankfully, I discovered how to unwind all of that shame and fear inside of me and how to untangle my deeply addicted brain from years of almost daily porn use. And doing so improved every aspect of my life.
QuitByHealing is where I teach you how to do the same.
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Using The QbH Method

And These Men
Quit Porn For Good!
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