What Happened to the QuitByHealing Community?
QuitByHealing used to have a Discord community with over 4,000 members, a lot of exclusive content, community challenges and more.
After over a year in operation, the community was closed.
What happened?
The short answer is: it was replaced with something better. Closing it was a necessary step because:
The Community Didn't Serve Its Members
The purpose of QuitByHealing is to help young men overcome their addiction to porn, social media, vaping/smoking/weed, excessive gaming and other dopamine traps.
It's to help men like you lay down these childish toys, break these bad habits and replace them with good habits. It's to help you finally step into your full potential and start becoming a man you respect instead of wallowing your days away in the suffering caused by addiction and the lifestyle of a passive consumer.
The QuitByHealing Discord community was meant to be part of the solution, but it became just another source of noise and distraction.
It became just another place to log in and get a bit of stimulation and distraction.
Most importantly, 90%+ of members never engaged with the free courses and community challenges that were posted!
This was a clear sign to me: the community is not actually helping people. We need something better.
How to Access FREE QuitByHealing Courses & Exclusive Content
Instead of having course material in a noisy Discord where it goes lost in thousands of messages, I've created a structured, much more user friendly system you can follow.
The courses and exclusive content are now delivered by email and in a dedicated member's area.
And instead of hitting you over the head with all of it at once, you'll get it delivered step by step, in a systematic way to follow along and implement as you learn.
And best of all: all of this content for how to quit porn, fix your broken dopamine system and build habits for lifelong success and health is still completely free for you to access.
Get started by filling out the form below:
Join the QuitByHealing Newsletter to Get Started:
Note: joining the QuitByHealing newsletter gives you access to brand new content as well as the content that was previously part of the QuitByHealing community. It includes access to free courses such as the Shadow Work Course.
I also sell premium courses such as the 21-day QuitByHealing Program, which are not part of the free offering in this newsletter. This is an accelerated way to overcome the addiction, for those who want an even more direct engagement.